Training programme on circular bioeconomy development and its support systems
This sub-section of e-Tools provides description of training programme on circular bioeconomy development and its support systems aimed at regional and local public authorities in the BSR.
Annotation of the training programme:
The course provides representatives of public authorities with the knowledge and understanding of the fact that the bioeconomy and its development is of great importance both in one’s country and around the world, and for human existence dependant on the sustainability of renewable resources. The main condition for a continuous development cycle to ensure continuous development is the attraction of investments and their realisation by the project management-oriented approach.
Objective of the training programme:
The aim is to link the knowledge, skills and competencies acquired in theory with the development of traditional bioeconomy sectors (agriculture and food, forestry and wood, municipal waste and sewage) and emerging types of production (renewable energy production, circular bioeconomy development, production of non-energy high value-added products) to differentiate and manage circular bioeconomy business model (CBE BM) innovation projects related to attracting investment in innovative technologies used in the agricultural, forest and waste sectors.
Instructions for organisation of the trainings are provided in Chapter 4 of “Report on good practice implementation guidelines for circular bioeconomy development and a training programme targeted at regional/local public authorities in the BSR“. Meanwhile, structure of the programme and information on its contents can be found in table below.