The aim of the workshop and discussion was the presentation of the project and the results of the analysis of the bioenergy related business models. In the first place, the 11 in the project analysed business models were introduced and specific aspects of the bioenergy in the Baltic Sea Region were discussed. Additionally, in a panel discussion, it was exchange how the bioenergy related business model can be transferred to Poland. With this in mind a small survey with eight questions was carried out. Immediately, participants recognized that some of the business models are already in commercial operation on the Polish market as for example:

  • production of heat and fuel mainly from wood biomass,
  • district heating and electricity from various sources,
  • fuel and electricity from biogas.

Therefore, innovations in the field of new fuels and biochemicals as well as the circular bioeconomy for high-value products have the greatest implementation opportunities in the future. Participants also noted that business models such as the production of biopesticides, bioplastics and pharmaceuticals from biomass could be implemented in Poland and other BSR countries.

In the second part of the workshop, four companies from different sectors presented their activities and field: woody biomass logistic for bioenergy purposes, production of thermal energy from woody biomass, agricultural biogas plants and the production of high-value bio based products. Similarly, a panel discussion was conducted. There weak and strong points as well as opportunities and threats were pointed out. Finally, some conclusions for the development of SMEs in the bioenergy sector can be stated: In the one hand, the region has tremendous potential of biomass, on the other hand, it was emphasized that there are many sectors using the same type of biomass. This last point should be highlighted because it can create competition between companies and some uncertainty regarding the stable supply of raw materials. Therefore, it was suggested to classify the biomass streams in appropriate end uses or cascade use.

It was also found that the replacement of local coal-fired biomass boilers is a chance for the development of modern local bioenergy plants. Similar statements were made in the context of the production and use of RDF (Refuse derived fuel) for energy production, especially in larger urban agglomerations.

Participants described the necessity of study trips and meetings in specific companies presenting good practices in a specific sector. It was emphasized that nothing engage more people as learning specific solutions directly from the entrepreneurs. It is important to get the opportunity to talk with the people who organized and run their business successfully.

Second, it is necessary a continuous public awareness campaign about the importance of bioenergy, especially for local communities, starting from the youngest generations. As an illustration, the biogas plants or similar facilities have problems with the local communities because their operation will create inconvenience from the emission of onerous odorous.

In conclusion, the workshop participants emphasized the importance of awareness creation about possible uses of biomass in bio-based products as bioplastics, biopesticides and mineral-organic fertilizers.