On 20 October 2021, as a side session of the Transnational Hybrid Conference, Fachagentur Nachwachsende Rohstoffe e.V. (FNR) held an internal training aimed at knowledge and technology transfer service providers. During the training the demo version of the BalticBiomass4Value interactive online portal was presented. Participants had the opportunity to gain insights into the interactive online portal and discuss the relevance of e-tools for knowledge and technology transfer. All the different functions of the interactive online portal were outlined and participants shared their experiences, as well as providing feedback on how the e-tool could be improved.
Additional to the combined training hosted by FNR, the project partners will present the interactive online portal at their institutions. Thereby, the competences of existing knowledge and technology transfer service providers will be improved and circular bioeconomy innovations in the Baltic Sea Region will be promoted.
The event took place via Webex.
You can find the presentation here: Presentation