The BalticBiomass4Value project aims to enhance the capacity of public and private actors to produce sustainable bioenergy by utilizing new biomass sources (chiefly, biological waste) for energy purposes, as well as to use possibilities to utilize biomass and its side streams for higher value novel bio-based products. The project explores biomass from different sources and its logistics, various biomass conversion technologies and value chains, and seeks to bring together the producers of biomass and bio-based products, other important actors within biomass value chains, relevant public authorities and policy stakeholders to stimulate sustainable bioeconomy development and green growth in the Baltic Sea Region.

The consortium of the BalticBiomass4Value project, consisting of 17 organizations – business associations, competence centres, research and academic institutions, sectoral agencies, national and regional public authorities – from 8 countries, i.e. from Estonia, Germany, Latvia, Lithuania, Poland, Sweden, Norway and the Russian Federation, possesses a broad range of expertise in the field of bioeconomy, as well as a wide circle of targeted contacts. Therefore, with the objective to facilitate the emergence of sustainable bioeconomy development projects in the Baltic Sea area, the consortium kindly invites private businesses, state and municipality-owned enterprises interested in sustainable biomass utilization for energy purposes and/or for the production of higher value novel bio-based products to explore bio-based business development opportunities with knowledge and technology providers, while the latter are encouraged to share experience and get involved in discussions on potential collaborations. Table below presents thematic areas of planned matchmaking.


How it works?

The BalticBiomass4Value project will bring together enterprises that match in their development needs and offers via virtual meetings. Enterprises engaged in bio-based activities (both private and public), as well as knowledge and technology providers will be selected to separate consultation meetings on the basis of filled out questionnaires, in which they should provide information about their enterprise, its products and/or services, specific interests and development needs (e.g., adding value to and/or finding new utilization ways for residues, forming collaborations to introduce new products, start business in a new area of bioeconomy or in other country of the Baltic Sea Region).

Consultation meetings will be arranged to encourage enterprises of different profiles (e.g., agricultural producers and renewable energy technology companies) located in the Baltic Sea area to work together in improving particular biomass value chains. Knowledge exchange coordinated by the BalticBiomass4Value project will provide bio-based industry representatives with an insight into available opportunities to make their business more sustainable, while involved knowledge and technology providers will get a chance to learn more about the needs of bio-based businesses and how these could be better addressed.


How to get involved?

Please fill out the questionnaire and send it to Sascha Hermus (, Project Manager at the 3N Lower Saxony Network for Renewable Resources and Bioeconomy, until 14 May 2021.

Link to the questionnaire: click here


Photo credit: Headway on Unsplash


If you have questions, please contact national coordinator in your country:

The BalticBiomass4Value project aims to involve at least 40 enterprises in virtual consultation meetings with a small number of participants in each of these meetings to ensure productive knowledge exchange (e.g., representatives of two or three enterprises in one meeting). In order to be selected, please make sure that your interests match presented thematic areas and suggested development directions.