On 18th – 19th June 2019, the BalticBiomass4Value project consortium met in Vilnius (Lithuania) to discuss results of the modelling of bioenergy consumption and biomass potential in the Baltic Sea Region (BSR).
Results of the Analysis of Market Outlook and Future Viability of Different Bioenergy Products and Value Chains in the BSR Energy System were presented by prof. dr. Erik Trømborg from the Faculty of Environmental Sciences and Natural Resource Management of the Norwegian University of Life Sciences. Results of this analysis reveal historical developments of bioenergy consumption in the BSR and its drivers, as well as provide forecasts of future biomass use for energy production in countries within the region.
Also, preliminary results of the Mapping of Biomass Value Chains for Improved Sustainable Energy Use in the BSR were presented by prof. dr. Mariusz Jerzy Stolarski from the Faculty of Environmental Management and Agriculture and the Centre for Bioeconomy and Renewable Energies of the University of Warmia and Mazury in Olsztyn (Poland). This analysis shows biomass production capacities in the BSR countries and gives estimates of the potential of different biological resources (straw, manure, etc.) to be used for energy purposes in these countries.
Photos: Diego Piedra Garcia