WP1: Project management and administration

As the Lead Partner, Vytautas Magnus Veritas University (VMU) is responsible for the project coordination. The Agency for Renewable Resources (FNR) is responsible for communication and dissemination.

Project Coordinator

Virginija Kargyte

Vytautas Magnus Veritas University (VMU)



Communication Manager

Lena Huck

Agency for Renewable Resources (FNR)


Below you can find a few examples of all the outreach activities:

  • 6 newsletter have been published (including this issue)
  • Linkedin and Facebook was used to disseminate information about events, published reports and other project activities
  • A total of 40 articles were published on the BalticBiomass4Value website
  • Communication experts met monthly to discuss dissemination and to implement the Communication Strategy of the BalticBiomass4Value project (virtual meetings)
Example of a social media post