In November 2019 the 3rd meeting of the BalticBiomass4Value (BB4V) project was organised by partners from 3N Lower Saxony Network for Renewable Resources (DE) and the Lead Partner Vytautas Magnus University (LT). The Latvian delegation was represented by Vidzeme Planning Region experts Kristaps Ročāns and Krišjānis Veitners together with Prof., Dr. oec., Arnis Lēnerts from Latvia University of Life Sciences and Technologies. The meeting took place in Lower Saxony, Germany, gathering 29 participants representing 16 Project Partners and 2 Associated Organizations.
The aim of the meeting was to review the progress made during the second period of BB4V’s implementation and involved the decision-making on several actions to come.
Prof., Dr. scient., Erik Trømborg, Norwegian University of Life Sciences, presented the results of the analysis on the consumption, prices and energy production from the various biomass sources in the Baltic Sea region from 2007 to 2016. It was concluded that the use of biomass for energy production has increased by approximately 40% in the last decade and solid biofuels now constitute 2/3 of used biomass. Biogas use has increased by more than 200% and currently accounts for around 15% of total bioenergy consumption in the region. Based on the analyzed data professor Trømborg has modelled several alternative scenarios on expected changes in biomass use for energy production. Results of the analysis shows that the increase in carbon prices (e.g. introduction of CO2 tax, etc.) is expected to lead to a significant increase in the use of biomass and chips for energy production. Use of the natural gas for district heating is expected to decrease, and the highest growth potential is for the wind power especially in the Baltic States. Growth is also expected regarding the energy generated from municipal waste, while the energy production from coal will most likely disappear.
Prof. Dr hab. Inż. Mariusz Jerzy Stolarski, University of Warmia and Mazury, presented the results of the analysis on the potential of several biomass sources for energy production in project partners countries. Results of the analysis show visible contrast in use of different biomass sources for district heating in each country. For example, pellets are mostly used in Denmark, Germany and Sweden, whereas in Baltic countries, where the export of pellets reaches 55%, their usage is much lower. Professor Stolarski also presented preliminary results of mapping compiling production and use of energy in project partner countries. The final version of the analysis will be available by February 2020.
One of the main activities was the analysis of 55 business cases provided by national teams to identify several good practice business models of sustainable bioenergy and biobased production in the Baltic Sea region for small and medium-scale businesses. Jüri Lillemets, Estonian University of Life Sciences PhD student, presented the initial results of cluster analysis. The selected business models will form basis for good practice guidelines for public administrations on promotion of circular bioeconomy. Initial results gave an insight on different aspects and several groups of business models were identified. Selection of business models will be verified during the upcoming workshops that will take place in 2020.
Prof., Dr. oec. Arnis Lēnerts, Latvia University of Life Sciences and Technologies and project manager Kristaps Ročāns from Vidzeme Planning Region presented an overview of the existing policy framework on Circular and Bioeconomy Policy developments for each BB4V project country. Results of the analysis show that in most of the partner countries bioeconomy is defined on a national level and the responsible institutions are involved in bioeconomy, indicating that they are ready for circular and bioeconomy policy developments. In 2020 the project partners will identify policy measures and actions that bear positive influence regarding the selected good practice examples and promotes development of competitive business models. Results of the analysis will be included in the upcoming good practice guidelines for public administrations on promotion of circular bioeconomy.
The next meeting is set to take place in March 2020 during the project opening conference in Rostock.

About the project BalticBiomass4Value
The project “Unlocking the Potential of Bio-based Value Chains in the Baltic Sea region (BaltiocBiomass4Value)” is being implemented in the framework of the Interreg Baltic Sea Region Programme 2014–2020. 17 partners from 8 different countries have been involved in its implementation.
The project aims to improve the capacity of public and private sector organisations and enterprises in the Baltic Sea region to manage the resources of the biomass value chain in a sustainable and economically efficient manner, promoting high added value products with renewable energy solutions and improving resource management models. Project activities are also intended to improve the capacity of public and private actors in BSR to produce bioenergy in an environmentally friendly and cost-efficient manner through the use of new biomass sources (mainly bio-waste) for energy production, as the use of bioenergy lateral flows for high-value bioproducts.